Sunday, May 20, 2012

Let's Tune Out

Top: Thrifted. Shorts: Aerie. Wedges: Dolce Vita. 
Well it has been the longest week of my life. Today I just wrapped up a show i was doing and my award was "the Fashionista." Accurate? No? Plus, I'm going to Florida next weekend, which is super-duper exciting :) And along with my mood, the weather is beautiful. Perfect for listening to The Format with the windows rolled down. Hope y'all had a lovely weekend!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Dress: Forever 21
TGIF! It's been a really busy week and I'm glad it's over! Next week I may not post because I have exams to study for, but tonight some of my best girls and I will be doing some photo-taking so expect those in the future :) Hope y'all have a wonderful day!